About Astarius
Astarius Miraculii is a dedicated spiritual teacher who has been serving and empowering the community for more than 40 years. He is a sound healer, astrologer, author, poet, reiki master teacher, ascension ambassador, and Rider of the Bliss Wave. His approach to sound healing is with the Didgeridoo, Vocal Harmonics, Invocations, and Chanting.
He has written two books which are “Miraculii Song of Ascension” and "Feast Of the Zodiac" (Wisdom of Astrology). Astarius has also recorded 24 transformational music albums, including the legendary "Spirit Rap". He has been featured on radio, television and has done presentations and performances for schools, churches, correctional institutions, and drug programs.
His videos on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook have more than 3.5 million combined views.

Miraculii's passion is to bring out the best in human nature and He has done motivational talks, astrology reading, sound/reiki healings, and Reiki Training for thousands of people.
His highest dedication is to the Intention of Personal and Planetary Ascension. He is a Musician, Healer, Poet, and Astrologer. His music is created with the intention to heal and uplift. His poetry points the way to Ascension and the Higher Self. His approach to Astrology helps the client gain insight and awaken personal power.
He is a Reiki Master offering personal healing sessions and all levels of Reiki Training. Over the years it has been an honor for him to serve thousands of people with his gifts.
Intuitive Astrology | Tarot & Numerology Readings | Reiki Healings & Training | Ascension Crystal Wands | Ascension Wisdom Teachings | Retreats